You Can’t Give Away What You Don’t Have
You Can’t Give Away What You Don’t Have
You can’t give away what you don’t have. You can’t give away what you don’t have. People who are not good at giving away love can’t give away love because they don’t have it, to give away love for others. If you don’t have in here to give away. If what you have in here is contempt, if what you have in here is anger, if what you have in here is fear, then these are things you’re going to be giving away in your life. The ego teaches us that who i am is not only what i have but who i am is what i do. What i accomplish and so we spend a big chunk of our lives believing that the way that we become “successful, happy. Fulfilled’ “self-actualized” whatever it might be. Is on the basis of what i accomplish. What my resume looks like. How many promotions i get, what you own, what clothes you wear, what labels you have and so on. And become obsessed with this kind of absurdity, this is the false self at work. There are many ways to get the things that we want for ourselves in our lives, but basically it all begins with how we choose to think. As you think so shall you be. Seven little words that i think are perhaps the most important things that we can learn and master in our lives. This old proverb notion that i become what i think about all day long. And once you know that what you think about is what expands, you start getting real careful about what you think about. you don’t allow your thoughts to be on anything that you don’t want. Have a mind that is open to everything and attached to nothing. One of the central principles of my life is that no one knows enough to be a pessimist. Hat each and every one of us, when we close our mind to what is possible for us or what is possible for humanity, closes off the genius that resides and lives in each and every one of us. Having an open mind doesn’t necessarily mean finding fault with all of the things that you’ve been taught by others. It means opening yourself up to the potentiality and the possibility that anything and everything is possible. When you change the way you look at things the things you look at changes. And one of the things that we believe and hang on to and live with is this whole idea that all of the things that happened to me in my past are what are keeping me from doing i’d like to do today. Don’t die with your music still in you. All of you have some music playing. And all of you have a heroic mission. There ‘s no accidents in this universe. We all show up here with a purpose. There’s an intelligence that is a part of everything and everyone and all of us are connected to it. And too many of us are afraid to listen to that music and march to it.