Life Coaching

Life Coaching

Each of us has potential to make changes in our lives that enhance wellbeing, personal effectiveness and life satisfaction. The potential to make things better. What’s your better? More importantly, what’s your best? Life coaching is about realizing and reaching your personal potential.Opportunities for personal change and growth surround us. In today’s world, there’s a nonstop stream of advice about how to “do” and “be” better. It seems more challenging than ever to figure out what’s worth one of our most valuable commodities, our time.

There are many ways of being and doing that could enhance our lives and make a real difference in our experiences, accomplishments, and relationships with other people. We clearly have the potential to achieve something beyond where we are now and to feel more vibrant and satisfied with the life we create. We could finally make a career change, start exercising regularly, lose weight, get organized, manage time better, write a book, take more time for ourselves, cut down on screen time, spend more quality time with friends and family, quit procrastinating…the list goes on. Indeed, these may all be good things to do… so why don’t we do them?

We think…

  • I’m stuck!
  • Where do I even start?
  • I don’t have enough time!
  • Would it matter?
  • Is it worth it?
  • Can I do it?
  • Change is scary!
  • What if…?

When faced with these thoughts, our inclination is to just keep doing what we’re doing with maybe a tweak or two when absolutely necessary. Daily life tends to have its own momentum, and sometimes it’s working pretty well. Months and years go by, and we neglect to give focused attention and time to what’s most important to us — choosing instead to focus on what is most pressing or the usual routine.

On the other hand, in some cases daily life isn’t working very well, and the need for change becomes urgent. If you don’t change, something unpleasant might happen or you may fail to gain something very important to you.Perhaps you are navigating a life transition (new career, family member, retirement), you want to find a partner, or make important changes for your health.

Life coaching addresses both situations. It’s a collaborative and supportive process that can help you move forward with intention and purpose, toward meaningful change and a more rewarding life. If not now, when?

Some of the benefits of life coaching can include:

Measurable progress toward specific goals

Enhanced self-care and well-being

Improved self-confidence

Increased interpersonal effectiveness

Enhanced life satisfaction

Increased energy

Better time management

Enhanced engagement in meaningful activities